Regional Leader in Analytical Testing
for Fluids Critical to Today's Manufacturing
The Acculube lab team provides expert testing and troubleshooting for tri-state companies that use metalworking fluids,
cutting oils, hydraulic oils, bearing lubricants, greases, and more than 300 other fluids that are critical to manufacturing
and metalworking. Whether the task is to identify the cause of a fluid issue, identify the best fluid for a new application,
evaluate a competitor's product, or test a product for possible addition to Acculube's extensive product line, Acculube's
analytical lab will meet your needs for quality and timeliness.

Our experienced technicians are among the most qualified in the region
in these 5 important areas:
- Lubricant comparison and recommendation based on customer needs. Acculube is expert in simulating machine operating conditions, allowing its laboratory technicians to offer the highest performing products for a given application.
- Qualification of potential new products to customer standards or Acculube's demanding requirements.
- Testing of incoming products and product components - we test for viscosity, water content, concentration, pH, additives levels, contaminants, and more across the Acculube product line.
- Spectrographic Oil Analysis, Particle Quantification, Particle Count, ferrography and other techniques to quantify component wear.
- Data interpretation, trend-lining and predictive maintenance planning - our goal is to help you eliminate unscheduled downtime by flagging trends before they become emergencies.
Acculube participates in the American Society of Testing and Materials Proficiency Test Program for turbine oils, providing 3rd party confirmation of our internal testing resources. We are certified annually by ExxonMobil as part of their distributor product integrity
compliance audit.
Here are 3 recent reports - each very different in mission and methodology -
completed by the Acculube Lab Team.
Solve Monitoring Issue
Qualify Potential Products
Identify Contamination Source
A customer wanted continuous visual monitoring of liquid levels in a tank used to store high performance hydraulic oil. Because the oil and the tank were the same color, this was problematical. The customer asked the Acculube Lab to determine the effect on the hydraulic tanks of dyeing the hydraulic oil blue.
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The mission was to qualify 4 potential products and to perform a detailed competitive analysis of each.
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Acculube's customer needed to identify the composition of metallic flakes in ISO 150 hydraulic oil and determine their source. The Acculube test identified the source of the contamination, which led to replacement of a bronze component in their hydraulic system.
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