Atlantic Specialty Chemicals

Commercial Rust Remover, Tarnish Remover, Aluminum Brightener
Atlantic DeOX SAFE is an extremely safe, neutral pH metal rust remover based on biodegradable
organic technology. Atlantic DeOX SAFE can be used in recirculating spray, immersion, and spray wand
applications. It removes metal oxides, rust, weld-smut, tarnish, and laser slag from all ferrous,
non-ferrous, and yellow metals.
In addition to being an aluminum brightener, Atlantic DeOX SAFE is a metal rust remover that works
without hazardous acids. It will also brighten copper, and brass alloys. The pH of the concentrate is a
neutral 7.00; it does not contain tetrasodium EDTA, sodium gluconate, or other chelating agents. It has
a very mild odor, is non-foaming, and rinses easily. Typical production temperatures range from
ambient to 140°F.
Note: If there are organic soils on the metal’s surface, we recommend pre-cleaning
or switching to another excellent Atlantic product, detergent-based Atlantic DeOX 1,0,0.
Rust Remover and Tarnish Remover
Atlantic DeOX 1,0,0 is an extremely safe, neutral pH, rust remover and tarnish remover based on
organic technology. It immediately splits all oils to the tank surface for removal.
Atlantic DeOX 1,0,0 removes metal oxides, tarnish, rust, weld smut, oils, lubricants, and laser slag from
ferrous metals. It is also used for corrosion removal, and as a brightener for aluminum, copper, and brass
alloys. The pH of the concentrate is a neutral 7.00; it is biodegradable and free of hazardous acids.
This rust remover / tarnish remover will not harm normal paint finishes (always pre-test to be certain)
and does not leave a white residue after dry-down. DeOX 1,0,0 is compatible with recirculating spray,
immersion, ultrasonic, and spray wand application. It has a mild odor, and low foaming potential.
It rinses exceptionally well.